Make games that players love

PlaytestCloud is your one-stop solution for playtesting mobile games during prototyping, development, soft launch, and after release.
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  • Playtest Android games
  • Playtest iOS games
Best Fiends

by Seriously

We power playtesting for 45 of the 100 top grossing games in the App Store

PlaytestCloud is trusted by thousands of producers, user researchers, game designers and others passionate about player experience at:

Who we are:

  • Set up your playtest in less than 5 minutes.
  • We let the right target audience test your game.
  • Watch and listen to videos of players playing your game.

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We have the players

We have the players

All of our testers are gamers. Pick the kind of players you want and we will show you how they play your game.

  • Every type of gamer, from casual to hardcore

  • Target by games, genres, and demographics

  • Players play at home on their own devices

  • Players are from the US, UK, and Canada

Watch the whole experience

Watch the whole experience

PlaytestCloud will capture the whole gameplay experience, turning you into a spectator with super powers.

  • All gameplay is video recorded

  • See where players touch the screen

  • Players think aloud while they play

Works in all stages

Works in all stages

PlaytestCloud has products for every stage of development. From your first idea, to the weekly updates after launch, we‘ve got you covered.

  • Test ideas and early prototypes

  • Playtest iteratively during development

  • Understand player reactions during soft-launch

  • Test new features after global launch

Need an expert?

Our games user researchers can help you design and analyze your playtests.

No coding required

With PlaytestCloud you can playtest any game build, be it on iOS, Android or in the mobile browser — you don’t need to change your code. Our technology safely distributes your build and deactivates it after the playtest.

No coding required

No coding required

PlaytestCloud automatically adds video recording capabilities to your game. It works with all game engines.



Upload any build. No custom code-signing, provisioning, or Apple Enterprise certificate required.

Built-in security

Built-in security

We remotely disable all game builds after your playtest has been completed so that your in-development game stays safe.

More features

Multiplayer Testing

Multiplayer Testing

Test synchronous multiplayer games within a specific time window and async multiplayer games with many short sessions.

Prototype testing

Prototype testing

Test mood boards, music, and rough prototypes. We support Marvel, Invision, and many other prototyping tools.

Player questions

Player questions

Ask players questions after their playtest to get an even deeper understanding of how they perceive your game.

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Juramirzayev Muhammad